13 May 2009

Guess Who Turned One Yesterday!

Ya its had to believe that my little (read pony-sized) German Shepherd turned one! I cant believe it! He is such a hansome boy. He had a good day with Lots of treats and fun play times as well of lots of hugs & kisses from those who love him. Birthdays are such a bittersweet moment. Up until that point it seems like you have forever left with them they are still offically puppies after all but that birthday is momentous and time seems to fly by after that. Hopefully time doesnt go by too fast!
Indy in his coat
Indy and Wren height difference!
I love my GSD!!
In other news: I found out today that this cute little yellow lab
Is in class and slaited to graduate for Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind in June! Im soo excited! I cant wait and will keep you all posted! YeY Glacier!


Erin said...

Whoa! You are still alive out there!! Good to hear from ya! Indy looks so handsome! Congrats to Glacier!!

The Puppy Raising Roller Coaster said...

haha youre soo funny! LOL! Im a busy girl what can I say.

Elizabeth and Peyton said...

Awww, Indiana is so handsome! How quickly they grow, eh? :) Congratulations Glacier!

Infrequent Flyers said...

Happy birthday to Indiana! Wow, both Indiana and Glacier are gorgeous!

Natalie said...

Happy birthday Indiana!! Congrats on Glacier's grad, hopefully we'll be able to meet up again!

Bethany, Dahlia, Julia, and GEB Lucky said...

Happy late birthday Indiana!!!!!! :) That's AWESOME about Glacier!!!!!!!! I hope to see more pictures soon!

Btw, I just wanted to let you know that my Mr. Beau has his IFT July 28th. Keep your fingers crossed that he passes and goes to the right career!!!!

Emily and the Labradors said...

Congratulations to Glacier! How exciting!!! And happy birthday to your pony! He is so handsome!

Todd said...
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